Use "it snowed|it snow" in a sentence

1. It snowed for three days without stopping.

2. I'd feel more Christmassy if it snowed.

3. It started to snow.

4. Most terribly cold it was ; it snowed , and was nearly quite dark , and evening - the last evening of the year .

5. Probably it will snow tomorrow.

6. 'Will it snow in Macao?'

7. It began to snow lightly.

8. It will rain and it will snow on Mars.

9. It looks like it's going to snow.

10. It is at this time topped with snow.

11. It handled the snow like a polar bear.

12. She was snowed into believing everything.

13. It gets 20 feet of snow during the winter.

14. 5 It handled the snow like a polar bear.

15. It may snow, but anyhow I will go shopping.

16. Snow is used because the air pockets trapped in it make it an insulator.

17. Only miss the sun when it starts to snow.

18. "Advice is like snow - the softer it falls, …

19. The crisp snow Crunched as we walked through it

20. The crisp snow crunched as we walked through it.

21. The roads had been salted after snowed.

22. Is it going to snow more this year than last?

23. There is a high probability that it will snow tonight.

24. 18 The grass was snowed under after a storm.

25. The snow was light and noiseless as it floated down.

26. Another reason it's a better snow-Blowing technique is that it allows the machine to throw the snow farther

27. Instead of hauling the snow away, workers pack it in storehouses.

28. 15 The convoy was snowed up on the main road.

29. 9 It has increased in quantity with recent snow and rain.

30. Will you come and see me, when it starts to snow?

31. It was warmer now, and the snow was beginning to melt.

32. The resort’s low elevation means it doesn’t have the area’s Best snow

33. It swirled and howled, driving the sleet and snow towards him alone.

34. They'll get it past him or get no more steel before snow.

35. It was not only could but started to snow into the bargain.

36. Coke; Snow; Rock; Blow; Crack; It comes in a few different forms

37. It still is wet with the snow and ice of the Alps.

38. It had started to snow, huge flakes swirling in the cold evening.

39. It may have been shorn of its customary snow-capped splendour[], but it was still a majestic sight.

40. As the glacier will no longer accumulate snow in winter, it will steadily lose mass until it disappears completely.

41. So Moses put his hand into his cloak, and when he took it out, it was leprous, like snow.

42. Night begins to fall, and with it comes a light dusting of snow.

43. Since the hurricane, builders and roofers have been snowed under with work.

44. It was warmer now[],( and the snow was beginning to melt.

45. Like the Corruption, Crimson, and Hallow, it can also spread across Deserts and Snow biomes, creating Confected Desert and Confected Snow biome respectively

46. There it stood, covered with faux snow in all its V-8-powered glory.

47. It was Jean Pestell who captured the mysteries of the oriental snow for us.

48. It runs in the mostly snow-covered high elevation area of the Altai Mountains.

49. The crust on the snow was thick enough for us to walk on it.

50. It has a beautiful and majestic conical form with snow on top year-round.

51. The blind is now covered with deep snow, making it a fir-lined igloo!

52. 7 It is a lovely fat snow leopard, not an owl, or a small cat!

53. It is easy to lose sight of your vehicle in blowing snow and become lost.

54. My command, Jon Snow reflected ruefully, as much a ruin as it is a stronghold.

55. We'll have to scrape the snow off the car before we go out in it.

56. In some areas, snow, freezing rain and blustery conditions are making it difficult to drive.

57. The Coelostat of the Snow Telescope as it appeared when it was set up at Yerkes Observatory in Wisconsin, before George Ellery Hale moved it to Mount Wilson

58. It got reloaded with new snow and wind drifts and Avalanched a second time! Photo: GNFAC

59. It was Bitingly cold, the sky filled with white moonlight, the earth covered with white snow

60. The storm Blanketed the mountaintops with snow, making it look like a scene from a painting

61. Valleys covered with snow, blossoms in March and it Astonishes your mind and refreshes your body

62. The storm Blanketed the mountaintops with snow, making it look like a scene from a painting.

63. It is nourished by annual snow accumulation and also by the seaward extension of land glaciers.

64. You , my queen , are fair ; it is true but Snow White is even fairer than you .

65. Dudhope Castle, cloaked in a swirl of snow, seemed to glow eerily as I passed it.

66. The week's snow has become crusty and it yields underfoot, with a crunch like breakfast cereal.

67. It had begun to snow, and small flakes were drifting down to settle on their eyelashes.

68. On Wednesday it started to snow, and by Friday there was a prairie blizzard with zero visibility.

69. This enables it to take full advantage of all the moisture available from rain or melting snow.

70. 30 It will be treacherous driving or walking, the layer of ice under the deceptively soft snow.

71. 28 Dudhope Castle, cloaked in a swirl of snow, seemed to glow eerily as I passed it.

72. If the snow isn't cleared from the roads quickly, it packs down hard and makes driving difficult.

73. The snow on the summit Avalanched, dragging with it some of the skiers, who had to be rescued

74. "Covered by blood" is unlikely, and "Covered by snow" would imply that the snow is so deep that you can't see what it is covering

75. The great gray owl has such acute hearing that it can detect and track a vole moving about beneath the snow —providing that the snow is not too deep.

76. Recreational skiers tense up when they encounter fear, be it due to difficult snow conditions, moguls or gradient.

77. It is well-sealed and 'tight' to minimise air exchange and to prevent rain and snow from entering.

78. In west and central Asia, it avoids deserts, areas with long snow cover and proximity to urban centres.

79. If you squish a handful of snow to make a snowball, it gets really small, hard and dense.

80. Washout occurs when material below the cloud is swept out by rain or snow as it falls.